Sunday, March 3, 2013

He's figuring things out!

London's really beginning to engage in things by touching and studying them. It's really sweet to watch. You can literally see the wheels in his head turning :) 

He's also developed a personality trait to have to have a soft blanket snuggled up to his face as he sleeps

Peek-a-boo! I see you!

17 more days and he'll be 6 months old!!! Can you believe it!!??


  1. I can't believe it! Only a few more weeks and I can get my snuggles! I love the 2nd to last pic.

  2. I can't pick a favorite. I love them all. Isaiah had a favorite blanket when he was a baby/toddler- a heavy-weighted purple and blue, hand-crocheted one- he carried it everywhere! I love photos where London is looking directly at you. It makes me wonder what he is thinking. :-)
